Be Prepared to Succeed (And to Fail)

Crawl, Walk, Skip, Run, Fly, Soar…

From the time we first hear the fable about the ant and the grasshopper, we are constantly reminded of the value of preparation and organization. This applies to every part of our lives. Our whole education system is built on it.  Learning our ABC’s and phonetics is the first step in teaching a common language enabling our ability to pass on information from person to person and across generations.  Learning “1+1=2” established the foundation of understanding the science of the world around us and the universe unfolding above us.  Learning our history teaches us the successes and failures of our past allowing us to build forward from a platform of knowledge and experience.

As our lives unfold all of these lessons build a upon one another and overlap, providing the framework that allows us to evolve from crawling, to walking, to running, to floating in hot air balloons, to the first controlled flight at Kitty Hawk, to walking on the moon, landing rovers on Mars, and more.

A Philosophy of Preparedness

Learning, being prepared, and taking advantage of the experiences of those that came before us allows us to step off from a foundation of knowledge.  That’s the philosophy we live by here at GreenField.  Within our experience, we’ve contributed to hundreds of pharmaceutical products on the market today.  Our time at a large, multinational, Fortune-500 pharmaceutical company gave us insights that are hard to come by. 

Mistakes Are Where We Learn (That’s What We Bring to the Table)

I’d be lying if I didn’t point out that we made our share of mistakes.  To be honest, making mistakes is where we learn.  Nothing drives home the value of being prepared like having to explain to an EVP that his product is going to be delayed because of a mistake, expected or not (think Cersei and the walk of shame).  The good news is, we learned from the mistakes and we bring all that experience to the table.

The Value of 100+ Years of Knowledge

Ultimately, that’s the value of hiring experienced professionals to help with your programs. We know the value of preparation, planning, and knowing what to expect as you go through the development process. Together our success and learning opportunities equal more than 100+ years of experience. That’s a value that you can’t put a price on.

“There are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell