Networking: Not Just About the Free Finger Food (Though That’s a Bonus)

Let’s be real. When you think of “business networking,” you probably picture stale conference rooms, weak coffee, and awkward conversations where you try way too hard to remember the other person’s name without glancing at their badge every two seconds. But hold on, skeptics. Building those business relationships is more than surviving the rubber chicken dinners. In fact, it might just be the secret sauce to success (okay, maybe not as tasty, but equally important).


Let’s face it: connections matter. Suppliers often become your Fairy Godparents. You know that feeling when everything’s going wrong? The shipment’s delayed, your usual supplier is playing hardball on the price, and that client’s breathing down your neck for an earlier deadline? A good relationship can magically transform a nightmare into a “no problem, we’ve got you covered.” Suddenly, delays disappear, better prices materialize, and deadlines become flexible. It may not be actual magic, but it feels close.


I can’t tell you how often our clients have a problem, and we respond with the “I Know a Guy” response. Need new software but want to avoid getting fleeced by slick salespeople? Trying to source that incredibly specific widget? A strong network is like having an army of helpful elves. Someone always knows someone who knows someone, connecting you with the right people in record time. The real point is that your network is the most fertile ground for idea generation. Someone else out there has had a similar problem, and they can relay their experiences. Remember! There’s strength in numbers!


Newsflash: those other companies in our industry? They’re not the actual enemy. Sure, some healthy competition is motivating. But imagine the power move of joining forces on a project, sharing market insights, or creating something bigger together. No one company is good at everything. By collaborating, we bring our individual strengths together to solve big problems. It’s like the Avengers but with business cards and slightly less awesome suits.

So, take the time to build GOOD Relationships.

Be natural and be yourself. Ditch the elevator pitch. No one enjoys being bombarded with a sales pitch the second you shake hands. Be genuinely interested in people and what they do. You might be surprised by what connections you form, even if they don’t seem immediately relevant to your business. That next new relationship may not solve today’s problem, but they may be an excellent person to know a week, a month, or a year down the road.

Don’t be shy about helping others first. This is a tough one for some people. It’s hard to not think of our business interactions as transactional. Don’t be the person who only shows up when they need something. Offer your expertise, make introductions, and be a valuable resource to people in your network. Karma’s a thing, plus you’ll build a reputation as someone people actually want to help in return. Don’t be afraid to give a little up to help somebody. I have found that this type of investment always pays good dividends.

An in-person, face-to-face meeting is one of the most important things, especially in today’s ZOOM/TEAMS/Mobile Phone world. Way back in the 1990s, that’s how we did ALL our business. Embrace the awkwardness. It’s not so bad! Let’s face it, networking isn’t always natural. Own it! Buy a box of doughnuts or some healthy snack, and go out there and meet somebody new. Tell a joke. A bit of humor and self-deprecation goes a long way. Remember, everyone else probably feels the same, and sometimes, the most unexpected connections blossom out of shared awkward moments.

The bottom line is that while you won’t magically become besties with every contact you meet, building strong business relationships is an investment. So next time you’re agonizing over whether to attend that industry event, ditch the cynicism and go for it. You might just be surprised at the opportunities you’ll enjoy as a result.